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# Copyright (C) 2019 Christoph G. Hoffmann. All rights reserved.

# This file is part of mjoindices

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This module provides basic helper routines for the OMI calculation

import datetime as dt
import typing
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs]def calc_day_of_year(date: typing.Union[np.datetime64, np.ndarray], no_leap_years: bool = False) -> typing.Union[int, np.ndarray]: """ Calculates the days of the year (DOYs) for an individual date or an array of dates. :param date: The date (or the dates), given as (NumPy array of) :class:`numpy.datetime64` value(s). :param no_leap_years: ``True`` if every year has 365 days, ``False`` if dataset contains leap years. :return: the DOY (or the DOYs) as (NumPy array of) int value(s). """ day_per_mon = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] if np.isscalar(date): if date.dtype == "<M8[ns]": # work around a bug, which prevents datetime64[ns] from being converted correctly to dt.datetime. date = date.astype("datetime64[us]") # expand datetime into individual time parts temp = date.astype(dt.datetime) time_fragments = temp.timetuple() if no_leap_years: # check that day does not exceed number of days in a month if time_fragments.tm_mday > day_per_mon[time_fragments.tm_mon-1]: raise ValueError('Invalid date. Likely due to mismatch between input date and no_leap_years parameter') # sums days of previous months to get DOY result = sum(day_per_mon[:time_fragments.tm_mon-1]) + time_fragments.tm_mday else: result = time_fragments[7] else: result = np.empty(date.size) for i, d in enumerate(date): result[i] = calc_day_of_year(d, no_leap_years=no_leap_years) return result
[docs]def find_doy_ranges_in_dates(dates: np.ndarray, center_doy: int, window_length: int, leap_year_treatment: str = "original") -> typing.Tuple: """ Finds the indices in a given array of dates that fit into a particular window of DOYs. This task sounds trivial, but is a little complicated by the appearance of leap years. :param dates: The array of dates as :class:`numpy.datetime64` values. :param center_doy: The center of the wanted window. :param window_length: the length of the window to both sides of the center in days. The window spans 2*window_length+1 days in total (for exceptions see below). :param leap_year_treatment: Choose one of the following values: * ``"original"`` will be as close to the original version of :ref:`refKiladis2014` as possible. It will use a pragmatic implementation in which the start and end of the DOY window is directly computed as distance in units of DOYs. * ``"strict"`` (not recommended) will treat leap years somewhat more strictly, which might, however, cause the results to deviate from the original. It will transfer the DOYs to actual calendar dates and will calculate the start and end of the window also as calendar dates using built-in numpy datetime functions. * ``"no_leap_years"`` will act as if there are no leap years in the dataset (365 days consistently), which might be useful for modeled data. It will follow the basic methodology of ``"original"``, but with ``ndoys = 365`` instead of potentially ``ndoys = 366``. In the context of the EOF calculation, the setting has major implications only for the EOFs calculated for DOY 366 and causes only minor differences for the other DOYs. The results for the setting ``"original"`` are closer to the original values, and approximately the same total number of calendar days covered by the window is found for each center DOY including DOY 366. However, the length of the window is not guaranteed to be ``2 * window_length + 1``, but can also be ``2 * window_length + 2`` if the window crosses the ending of a leap year. The setting ``"strict"`` is somewhat more stringently implemented. The window length is always ``2 * window_length + 1``, however, the number of calendar days covered by a window is reduced by approximately a factor of 4 for ``center_doy=366``, since a window is only found during leap years. This might cause the EOF to differ quite a lot from those of DOY 365 and DOY 1, which is not wanted. Because of that the recommended setting is the default value ``"original"``, except for modeled data that contains no leap years. In this case the setting ``"no_leap_years"`` is recommended. :return: Tuple with, first, the array of indices and, second, the resulting DOYs for comparison. """ no_leap_years = False if leap_year_treatment == "no_leap_years": no_leap_years = True strict_leap_year_treatment = False if leap_year_treatment == "strict": strict_leap_year_treatment = True doys = calc_day_of_year(dates, no_leap_years=no_leap_years) if strict_leap_year_treatment: center_inds = np.nonzero(doys == center_doy) # switch from DOYs to real dates to use built-in leap year functionality startdates = dates[center_inds] - np.timedelta64(window_length, 'D') too_early_inds = np.nonzero(startdates < dates[0]) startdates[too_early_inds] = dates[0] enddates = dates[center_inds] + np.timedelta64(window_length, 'D') too_late_inds = np.nonzero(enddates > dates[-1]) enddates[too_late_inds] = dates[-1] resulting_idxlist = np.array([], dtype="int") for ind, startdate in enumerate(startdates): one_window_indices = np.nonzero((dates >= startdates[ind]) & (dates <= enddates[ind]))[0] resulting_idxlist = np.concatenate((resulting_idxlist, one_window_indices)) else: lower_limit = center_doy - window_length if lower_limit < 1: lower_limit = lower_limit + 365 upper_limit = center_doy + window_length if upper_limit > 365: upper_limit = upper_limit - 365 if lower_limit <= upper_limit: inds_consider = ((doys >= lower_limit) & (doys <= upper_limit)) else: inds_consider = ((doys >= lower_limit) | (doys <= upper_limit)) resulting_idxlist = np.nonzero(inds_consider)[0] return np.asarray(resulting_idxlist), doys[resulting_idxlist]
[docs]def doy_list(no_leap_years: bool = False) -> np.array: """ Returns an array of all DOYs in a year, hence simply the numbers from 1 to 365 or 366 (depending on the consideration of leap years). Useful, e.g., as axis for plotting. :param no_leap_years: ``True`` if every year has 365 days, ``False`` if dataset contains leap years. :return: The DOY array. """ if no_leap_years: return np.arange(1, 366, 1) else: return np.arange(1, 367, 1)