Source code for mjoindices.principal_components

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# Copyright (C) 2019 Christoph G. Hoffmann. All rights reserved.

# This file is part of mjoindices

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

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This module provides basic functionality to handle PC data, which is a basic output of the OMI calculation.

import datetime
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs]class PCData: """ Class as a container for the principal component (PC) data. The basic PC computation :func:`mjoindices.omi.omi_calculator.calculate_pcs_from_olr` will return an object of this class as a major result of this package. :param time: Array containing the :class:`numpy.datetime64` dates. :param period: Array containing the :class:`pandas.Period` dates. :param pc1: Array containing the values of PC1 (has to be of same length as the time array). :param pc2: Array containing the values of PC2 (has to be of same length as the time array). """ # ToDo: Check if we need some deepcopy or writable=false here def __init__(self, time: np.ndarray, pc1: np.ndarray, pc2: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Initialization with all necessary variables. """ if pc1.size != time.size: raise ValueError('Length of the first PC time series does not fit to the length of the ' 'time grid') if pc2.size != time.size: raise ValueError('Length of the second PC time series does not fit to the length of the ' 'time grid') self._time = time.copy() self._pc1 = pc1.copy() self._pc2 = pc2.copy() @property def time(self) -> np.ndarray: """ The time grid of the PC time series as array of :class:`numpy.datetime64` elements. """ return self._time @property def pc1(self) -> np.ndarray: """ The time series of the PC1 values. """ return self._pc1 @property def pc2(self) -> np.ndarray: """ The time series of the PC2 values. """ return self._pc2
[docs] def save_pcs_to_txt_file(self, filename: Path) -> None: """ Saves the computed PCs to a text file. Please note that the file format is not exactly that of the original data files. However, a suitable reader is available in this module for both formats (:func:`mjoindices.principal_components.load_pcs_from_txt_file` and :func:`mjoindices.principal_components.load_original_pcs_from_txt_file`). :param filename: The full filename. """ df = pd.DataFrame({"Date": self._time, "PC1": self._pc1, "PC2": self._pc2}) df.to_csv(filename, index=False, float_format="%.5f")
[docs]def load_pcs_from_txt_file(filename: Path) -> PCData: """ Loads the PCs of OMI, which were previously saved with this package (:func:`mjoindices.principal_components.PCData.save_pcs_to_txt_file`). :param filename: Path to the PC file. :return: The PC data. """ df = pd.read_csv(filename, sep=',', parse_dates=[0], header=0) dates = df.Date.values pc1 = df.PC1.values pc2 = df.PC2.values return PCData(dates, pc1, pc2)
[docs]def load_original_pcs_from_txt_file(filename: Path) -> PCData: """ Loads the PCs of OMI, which are stored in the original file format. For example, the following file can be loaded: Note that the present software package stores the PCs slightly different. Those files can be loaded with :func:`load_pcs_from_txt_file`. :param filename: Path to the PC file. :return: The original PC data. """ my_data = np.genfromtxt(filename) dates_temp = [] for i in range(0, my_data.shape[0]): dates_temp.append( datetime.datetime(my_data[i, 0].astype(int), my_data[i, 1].astype(int), my_data[i, 2].astype(int))) dates = np.array(dates_temp, dtype='datetime64') pc1 = np.array(my_data[:, 4]) pc2 = np.array(my_data[:, 5]) return PCData(dates, pc1, pc2)